Tuesday, October 13, 2009

haunted houses

Well, this friday or saturday...I'm going to the Burial Chambers with some friends! It'll be great, it's going to be so scary!!! Right now there's about 7 or 8 guys going and just two girls (me and my best friend Kaitlyn)! We don't really have a lot of "girl friends" and that's okay because I like hanging out with guys more! So yeah...that's what's new.


  1. I cant Wait For next weekend, to hang with u hoe :) !
    ILY2 :)

  2. I know! Next weekend will be so sweet!!! :D

  3. thankss..i wasn't even invited!

  4. well..u probably wouldnt have been able 2 come!
    we're goin 2 cuerens house really late at nite!!
